Pots and Possibilites opens at the Petrie Museum

I have made a new video piece in response to the ancient ceramics collection at the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, UCL as part of a residency with studio group Manifold. See more images of the piece, installed in UCL’s Beadle’s Box here. Our responses to the Museum include books, projection mapping, a drawing machine, ancient Egyptian bread baking kits… and pots.

We have been invited to respond to the Petrie’s beautifully rich collection of pots which are often overlooked by visitors. We are all strongly connected to clay, and recognise the importance of the humble pot. Pioneering archaeologist Flinders Petrie’s drawings of the vessels he unearthed and collected were the key 
to understanding different time periods of ancient Egypt by painstakingly noting the smallest of details; his records of pottery styles led to a new method of establishing chronological periods, known as seriation in Egyptology.

Artists: Matthew Raw, Ellie Doney, Bethan Lloyd Worthington, Sun Ae Kim, Hanne Mannheimer, Katy Jennings, Amy Hughes.

See work in progress

Images from the Private View