At Fungifest, the Roving Microscope and I presented an encounter with microscopic fungi, and I led a workshop making personal medicinal mushroom broths using fungi growing wild in London, collected with the help of John the Poacher.
Fungifest London 6 October 2019.
At this workshop we asked people to look into their steel broth bowls, and to reflect upon how they were feeling at that time, and what properties they needed the broth to have, what medicine might be needed, what they needed the mushrooms to do for them. They then chose a selection of the foraged medicinal mushrooms, and we made broths together.
I then asked people to think of what we might do for the mushrooms – what actions might they need from us, and wrote down our recipes along with thoughts on the nature of medicine. The broths became aggregates of real and imagined active properties, sort of narratives about the state of the person and their needs and intentions, reproducible by recipe.