
Under the Influence opens at Siobhan Davies Studio

4 July – 11 August 2013
PV Thurs 4 July 6.30pm
Studio Manifold’s residency at Siobhan Davies Studios opens with this show, a combination of both new works by Manifold artists and works selected to represent their influences.

Under the Influence represents a collection of those masters who have had a key influence, and awoken things within each of the Manifold artists, whether or not they knew it at the time. This collection of artists, makers, musicians, teachers, writers and family members provides solid foundation to Manifold’s takeover of Siobhan Davies Dance this summer, offering a triangulation point between these influences, the place, and the work we make during our stay.

“it is necessary to have a master who by his teaching and precepts stirs and awakens the moral virtues whose seed is enclosed and buried in our souls.”

Baldesar Castiglione – Italian Renaissance courtier and author